Saturday, January 26, 2008

Player Piano - Analysis

The relationship between Paul and Anita shows the way Illium thinks and what it is concerned with. "'I love you, Paul,' said Anita. 'I love you,' said Paul. " is seen many times and ironically shows how there is no true bond between them. Numerous times, this phrase is used by Paul and his wife. The first time you see it, it did not meen much but it is a recurring line that shows a lot about their relationship. The way they emphasize it and just respond back to each other with this line is makes it unsincere and unpassionate towards each other. It is the same response every time. They have become like machines themselves, and do not think or use emmotions, but only try to optimize the way their life looks on paper.

1 comment:

DOUG said...

good point, i didnt think of that but it really is a true statement that anita and paul are just like the relationship between man and really the workforce today, there is no connection.