Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anthem - Quote

"Everything which comes from the many is good. Everything which comes from one is evil. Thus have we been taught with our first breathe. We have broken the law, but we have never doubted it. Yet now, as we walk through the forest, we are learning to doubt.
There is no life for men, save in the useful toil for the good of all their brothers. But we lived not when we toiled for our brothers, we were only weary"(Rand 85-86).

This was my favorite quote while reading Anthem, because it shows how Equality is learning that the laws that his city lives by are wrong. Even though he has been taught that anything that he comes up with on his own is evil, he still realizes that this is not how people are meant to live. People still have the ability to learn and they can learn that their laws are wrong as long as they are willing to accept that the majority of society is sometimes being misguided. Equality has the courage to go out on his own and discover a better way of life.

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